Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last Sunday my friend, Pastor Knute Larson of The Chapel in Akron/Green, finished over 25 years of pastoral ministry there and retired on Monday from over 40 years of pastoring in two churches. Though I don't think he was really "finished," he was "done" there. He moved to Michigan and will continue to minister by teaching as an adjunct professor at Moody Bible Institute, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. He will most likely also do some consulting work for churches and other ministries. Change is difficult, but he and Jeanine have prepared for this. Pray for them in this transition in life. Here is a picture of him with Joshua and myself a couple of years ago at a ministry event so you can put a face with your prayers.
I just got back from a whirlwind, less than 24 hour trip to pick up Leah from Baptist Bible College, PA. We brought back most of her "stuff" since next year she will spend half of it student teaching. She has done well all through her schooling, we are grateful for all her hard work. It will be nice to have her home this summer. And I am thankful that God gave us a good and quick trip, and we saw Joshua and Emily as well.
This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend as you know, plan to honor God for the freedoms He has given us by being sure to attend worship with us on Sunday. We will have all our ABF's and Sunday School at 9:30 AM. This will be followed by our 10:45 AM Worship Service featuring good songs, a special musical piece, and some thoughts regarding "Are You A True Hero for Christ?" from several Biblical passages. You can meditate on 2 Corinthians 12:10 to set your mind on the right things leading up to Sunday.
Remeber that we DO NOT have any evening service or programming this Sunday at 6:00 PM due to the holiday weekend. Please safely enjoy the day with family and friends.
We will have our regular prayer and Bible study times on Weds. at 7:00 PM and Thursday at 11:00 AM. Please come to either (or both) if you can, you will be blest and built up by attending.
Next Sunday, May 31 in the AM service we will participate in our Communion service. Please prepare your hearts and minds for this special time together as a church family as we remember Christ's sacrifice for us together.
June is a full month of special services, activities, and opportunities to grow spiritually. A calendar for June will be in the bulletin soon, please look it over and plan to take part. Also, there are several sign up sheets on the lobby tables (VBS, Father's Day desserts, Small Group ministry, etc.) please look them over, as well as our bulletin boards. Many good opportunities are available, and we will need your help in some of them.
Speaking of help, we have been telling you of a problem we have with a water main leak somewhere on our property. We have a pretty good idea of where they are, but we need some help digging some holes to uncover them. If you are able, or know someone willing, please see Ron Sterner as he is heading up this area. And pray that it will not be an expensive fix for us.
Some have been asking how my grandson, Nicholas, has been doing with his broken leg. From the pictures you can see that he has a nice blue cast which has not hindered him a whole lot from getting around. In three weeks they will put a shorter one on just below his knee, which will stay on for another three weeks. Thanks for your prayers on his behalf, they are working!
I got out the other night for a short while to get some yard work done, and in trying to clean up an area in my lawn I started to pick up what I thought was a loose root. From these pictures you can see that it was much more than that. As I pulled and dug it up, I was amazed as I followed the "root system" that was just below the surface. My pastoral heart would not fail me, because I immediately thought "this is how sin is in our lives; give it a little place to plant in our hearts, and it goes all over the place!" A good lesson for us all, and I do feel a full length sermon coming from this experience!
Guard your heart, mind, and will as we together look toward Sunday. It is easy to get off track, or lose our determination for God. Don't allow anything to swerve you off track from being there this week! See you then!
Pastor Don Workman

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