Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Next time you are in a hurry shopping and this happens to you, try this response and see how it goes:

It was a Saturday afternoon, and Ray had rushed down to the local supermarket to hurriedly pick up some hamburger rolls, chips and a few condiments. The big college game was going to be on, so he was having a few friends over to watch it.
The store was loaded with shoppers and as he headed for the six item express lane, the only one that didn't have a long line, a woman completely ignoring the overhead sign slipped into the check-out line just in front of him pushing a cart piled high with groceries.
Ray was quietly fuming at the anticipated delay. But the elderly cashier beckoned the woman to come forward, looked into the cart and asked ever so sweetly, "So Dearie, which six items would you like to buy?"

That goes along with the Proverb about a "soft answer turning away wrath."

I hope you have had a good week. As some of you know, I was able to attend the "Basics" Conference at Parkside Church just north of our church. Over 1200 pastors from around the world gathered to worship and be refreshed through the ministries of Pastor John Piper Pastor Alistair Begg and Dr. John Lennox (a professor from Great Britain who debates the leading atheists of our day.) We were also blest by the music ministry of Keith and Kristen Getty and the band. Seeing many friends, most of whom I only see once a year at this conference, is always encouraging. And the meals and snacks are always excellent! Thank you for giving me the time to do this.

This Sunday we have all our regular services and ministries going on: 9:30 AM Sunday School and ABF's. 10:45 AM Worship service with songs, giving, and hearing from God's Word as I explore the subject of "Compromises" in our lives that will weaken or destroy any Convictions we have if we allow it. This is kind of a follow up to the message a few weeks ago about Convictions vs. Convenience. At 6:00 PM our AWANA for Kids, Student Ministries, and Adult service will be going on as usual. Only a few more weeks for AWANA, so work hard. The AWANA Awards and Graduates' Recognition night is June 7 at 6:00 PM, plan to attend.

We achieved our goal of being able to purchase 50 new chairs from our Easter Offering last month. Thanks for making this possible. I hope to get the other 25 chairs next week; it was a blessing for our ladies to use the 25 I got for their mother/daughter get together last Monday.

For the men on our church board, remember our bi-monthly meeting is this next Thursday, May 21 at 5:30 pm. We usually eat supper together as we meet, and if anyone (and that is, ANYONE) would like to help provide a supper for about eight guys, that would be welcome. See me about it. In this way it will save them from more pizza or chicken from the local KFC or pizza places. (though I am a fan of the new KFC grilled chicken, and as always, BW3 wings.)

We have a very active month of June coming up with special speakers and meetings - but more on that later, let's get through May first! Keep an eye on the weekly bulletins and calendar. But because we do need to plan ahead, I will make mention of Vacation Bible School which we will hold on the evenings of June 28 - July 2. This is earlier than normal for us, but with our teens going to Japan on a missions trip, and other folks schedules, this proved to be the ONLY week we could do it. So, please sign up to help if you have not already. And if you have questions about it, see Sandi Goodrich.

Please continue to pray for Nancy Cobb who had an emergency appendectomy last week, she is home now. Other items for prayer are on the sheets available on the lobby tables. We would also appreciate your prayers for our grandson, Nicholas, who fractured his left leg this past Tuesday evening playing soccer with daddy. He is now in a cast, and thankfully not in a lot of pain. Probably prayers for Sarah to care for him as well as his seven week old little brother at the same time are even more needed.

Take care in these wonderful days we have. Yard work and activities beckon, which could result in injury if we are not careful. Pray for one another, and prepare your heart for Sunday as we gather to worship and honor the Lord God.

Pastor Don Workman

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