Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I finally got my March Madness Bracket done late yesterday - this is a fun time of year for all basketball fans. I am not sure how my bracket will hold up since I took a few "chances" on some teams. I wanted to check with Nicholas to help me pick the teams, but I would have to ask him things like, "do you like the bear or the soldier better?" Actually, Sarah said he picked Ohio State since Papa gave him a Brutus the Buckeye puppet, which he calls his "Go Bucks." Don't tell him that Papa doesn't think "Go Bucks" will go very far this year.

One team that DID go all the way this year is the Brookings Harbor High School Bruins. This is the school where our Hannah teaches and Jon is the Athletic Director and assistant basketball coach. They WON the Oregon State Championship game (class 4A) last Saturday night, and finished their season with a record of 28 - 0. What an acomplishment! On the way home last Sunday the team was escorted for a half hour trip by the local police and over 200 cars supporting the team. We celebrate with them!

We have been a little more preoccupied with Sarah's pregnancy - she is due with the baby in a week (March 27.) So, Beth and I better pack our bags soon to be ready when the call comes. Nicholas has been practicing "feeding" his moose in preparation for when baby brother comes - we'll see how he does.

Don't forget that this Saturday at 5:00 PM is our "Chili / Soup / Bread" supper with our church family, guests, and the BBC Chamber Singers. We have had many guests in our services recently, and most of them plan to attend the supper. This is a great opportunity to help them get to know us, so come and sit with them.

Then at 7:00 PM the Chamber Singers will give their concert of worship and praise to God. They are always a blessing, so plan to come and bring someone with you. Remember that we need to give a good offering to help with the costs of bringing them here (approx. $640), so plan ahead what you can give.

As for this Sunday, we continue all our classes and ABF's at 9:30 AM. There are three ABF's from which to choose, in addition to classes for kids from nursery (yes, this is a class) through grade 12. Plan to attend.

At 10:45 AM we worship God together in some great songs and great giving (giving has been going very well, please keep it up.) We continue to look at Ezra 6 (and Haggai and Zechariah) as we consider part 3 of "We Need to Cooperate with God's Perfect Timing" in our lives. I don't know what all of you may be anticipating from God, but I can say that if we cooperate with His timing in our lives it will be best. It was for His people after the exile, and though it seems at times we are also exiled, we know He still cares. Don't forget that we also offer Children's Church for ages 3 through 3rd grade at this time - last Sunday we had 23 kids! Mr. Cobb needs some help!!

At 6:00 PM all services will be active. AWANA kids are to bring a picture about their favorite Bible story, and parents don't forget to pay your child's dues if you haven't already. Teens will fellowship and study about "Are Mountain - Moving Prayers Possible?" This will certainly be applicable in their lives as they are currently raising funds for their mission trip to Japan this summer. And adults will continue the study, "God Our Father" by considering the Father's relationship to the Holy Spirit. Once we better understand how the Tri-une Godhead interacts, we will better understand how God interacts with us as our Father.

Next Monday, March 23 is a Japan Missions Team meeting from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm, and there is also a Men's Ministry meeting at 7:00 pm. Please attend if it applies to you.

We have information on the bulletin board regarding the Men's Retreat at Skyview Ranch (May 7 - 9) and the Memorial Work Weekend there (May 22 - 25). See Ron Sterner if you are interested in all or part of these days. There are also notices on the board for some concerts and conferences coming up, so please take a look and try to attend while these are available.

Well, the Madness continues - not in the basketball way, but with my personal schedule for this day! So, I will close for now with the great encouragement for you to plan now for our services on Sunday. Thanks to all teachers and leaders for your faithful preparation, may God bless all of you who minister His Word in hearts and lives this Sunday.

With prayers for you,

Pastor Don Workman

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