Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The explanation for no "Looking Toward Sunday" last week is that I was pretty sick with the flu. Beth had the same thing a few days before, missing two days of school (which is highly unusual for her.) I was thankful to have enough strength for all services on Sunday, which reminds me of this little story:

During a revival, the visiting evangelist arrived without his allergy medicine.

Our pastor put him in touch with a doctor in our church for an emergency prescription to get him through the week. The evangelist was so appreciative of the doctor that during the last service, he recommended the doctor to the entire crowd. The ensuing laughter was a mystery to him until after the service.

That was when the host pastor informed him that he had just recommended the local OB-GYN.

Speaking of OB - GYN, we are anticipating the birth of our next grandson soon. Sarah is due on March 27 and looks quite ready as you can see from this picture: She is doing well, and Beth and I are just waiting for the "call" to come. Hopefully that will not be for a few more weeks, but preferably before Easter next month.

Last Sunday was a good Sunday, even though it was very full and I was not at full strength. Between services Beth took part in a recital in downtown Cleveland as part of her voice lessons she has been taking as therapy for recovery from her vocal chord surgery last year. Her recovery seems complete, for which we thank the Lord. Evidence of her recovery is evident from this video I took of that recital - rejoice with us as you view it! (click on the arrow in the box to view it):

This Sunday we have all our regular ministries and services. It begins with our Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowships at 9:30 AM.

Things continue with our Morning Worship Service at 10:45 AM. We will sing and continue to learn our new song, "Mighty to Save." I will continue some thoughts begun last week from Ezra 6 encouraging us that "We Need To Cooperate with God's Perfect Timing" in our lives. This Sunday will also include looking at Haggai 1 and Zechariah 1 as we see how God works at times in our lives. Also in this service we plan to have a visit from our newest supported missionaries, Michael and Kelly Banks and family. They are on their way to the ABWE headquarters in Harrisburg, PA to attend the "Field Prep Seminar" which is a major step toward arriving on their field of missionary service in East Asia. It will be good to see and encourage them this week. Feel free to give them any "love gifts" (gas and food cards are always appreciated) as tokens of encouragement.

At 6:00 PM this Sunday all our childrens, youth, and adult ministries will be functioning as usual. AWANA children, remember to bring Easter Basket Items for our two Marines, Justin Goodrich and Kurtis Biltz. Even though they are both big, strong young soldiers they are sure to appreciate goodies from their home church kids! Students in grades 7 - 12 will study from 1 Peter 3:8 - 9 and 2 Peter 1:5 - 8 in their continuing look at the life of the Apostle Peter. And Adults will continue our look at "God Our Father" as we see how various passages of Scripture deal with the relationship of the Father to the Son and Holy Spirit. We cannot fully comprehend the Tri-Unity of the Godhead, and I am glad. I don't want a God I can explain fully. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't think about it deeply. We have had several guests from our community in our 6:00 PM services recently, so come and get to know them. Hopefully you can help encourage them to come on Sunday AM, too!

Remember that this Monday, March 21 at 6:00 PM is the "Upward Basketball Awards" night here at our gym. This has been a successful season in many ways, and this time will be a fitting conclusion. Pray for all who attend as we enjoy the time celebrating. And pray for me as I give a closing Gospel devotional to the whole group (kids and adults together.) Then we will enjoy "make your own" sundaes - yum!

And plan now to invite others to attend with you our "Chili / Soup / Bread" supper social at 5:00 PM on Saturday, March 21. Make your homemade favorite, even if it comes from a jar or can. And bring enough to share, because that same night we will be hosting for the supper the 18 member CHAMBER SINGERS of Baptist Bible College. They will be presenting a concert at 7:00 PM that same evening. Since it is a Saturday night, invite friends from other churches as well as your neighbors, it will be a great night of praise to the Lord.

Let me give you this Puritan Prayer ("The Valley of Vision", p. 139) to meditate upon as you prepare your heart to "Look Toward Sunday":

Deliver me from worldly dispositions, for I am born from above and bound for glory.

May I view and long after holiness as the beauty and dignity of the soul.

Let me never slumber, never lose my assurance, never fail to wear armour when passsing through enemy land. Stay my mind upon Thee and turn my trials to blessings, that they may draw out my gratitude and praise.

God bless you, see you Sunday!

Pastor Don Workman

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