Friday, January 9, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

After a couple of weeks off from writing, it is time to get back on track with this note to you. I hope you had great Christmas and New Year celebrations. Our whole month of December here at Faith was a complete blessing. On Dec. 21 our kids ministries presented their program in which they all did a great job. This followed with an adjusted service which was a blessing. That same evening our adult Festival Choir presented the cantata, "Tonight, Heaven Touches Earth" complete with a multi-screen video display. We as a choir sang behind the screens, but those out front were truly impressed and said the video enhanced the following of the words of the songs and theme of the program. The fellowship continued for over an hour after the cantata, which is a good indication of guest welcome and positive church health. You can see in part why it was such a great month.

As for our family, we were grateful that all of us could be together for at least several days during the Christmas week. Jon and Hannah had some challenges getting here from Oregon, and after a long stay in Chicago, they did manage to get here on Christmas Eve afternoon when many others were stranded in Chicago until after Christmas day. We thank the Lord for safety and getting them here, though we felt bad for the others. Joshua and Emily were here, then in Buffalo, then back here. They brought Leah with them from BBC, and she stayed until this past mid week. Sarah, Sam, and Nicholas arrived to make it all complete, and there is NOTHING like Christmas with a two year old - what FUN! I hope your Christmas season was as much fun and blessing.

We will be back on track with all our regular services and ministries this Sunday. Our Sunday School and ABF's meet at 9:30 AM, with studies in the Bible books of either Daniel, Luke, or James for adults. At 10:45 AM our Worship service will begin with our choir singing a piece from the Christmas cantata, "Why?" Don't forget to review our all church memory verse this month from Psalm 118:24 (not too hard!) Some good and familiar songs and hymns of worship follow before we begin a study in the book of Ezra in the Old Testament (find it now.) This will be an introductory message, but you can prepare by reading through chapters 1 and 2. We will see how God used Ezra to rebuild the personal and corporate worship of Israel as they came out of captivity. This precluded the time of Nehemiah whom God used to rebuild the temple for worship. Since these books were originally one book in the Hebrew Bible, we will most likely continue this study into Nehemiah at a later time.

Our 6:00 PM service and ministries are back in action this Sunday. Adults will meet to sing, share, and study from Ephesians 4 about quitting any sinful or negative habits. This new time of year lends itself to "getting in shape" which includes habits. At this time our teens will also meet to interact with one another and to study from Mark 9:2 - 10 which deals with overcoming fears. Also our AWANA program continues, featuring their "Winter Sports Night" - wear your favorite team / car colors.

Our Upward basketball practices began this past week and will continue for the next nine weeks or so, with games beginning on Saturday, January 17. We are partnering in this ministry with First Baptist in Aurora and will be alternating sites weekly for games. Please keep this ministry in prayer as the coaches not only instruct in basketball, but also have a time of sharing from God's Word in each practice. Every game will also have a short devotional at half time where kids and parents are both exposed to God's Word. And keep this schedule in mind before planning an activity at church since our facilities will be used much more regularly for the next few months.

If you are responsible for a ministry team or area in our church, please remember that we need your 2008 Annual Report to our office by this Sunday. We prefer that you email it to us as it is easier to format and print - you may find that email address elsewhere on this page. Thank you for helping us prepare for this important report (distributed at the meeting on Weds. Jan. 21 at 7:00 pm)

We also need to know if you are interested in attending a workshop on Saturday morning ( 9:00 am - 1:00 pm) in Tallmadge which will give an introduction to the Stephen Series Caregiving Ministry. This is a ministry that teaches laymen and women how to care for and nurture church members in times of need, grief, etc. We have desired to step up in our overall church care ministry and we feel this is an area we would like to investigate. There is a nominal fee of $15 per person, but if we have four or more from our church it is a flat $50 fee for the group. Please consider attending with us, and be sure to jot your intention on a registration card in the bulletin or pew and give it to us this Sunday.

Well, it is late Friday afternoon and I better wrap this up so that I can finish my other work and get home to see the big game - the CAVS vs. the Boston Celtics (boo!) This should be a GREAT game since it is here in Cleveland, the Cavs have not lost a home game yet this year (17 - 0 at home), and the Cavs currently own the BEST RECORD IN THE NBA!!! GO CAVS! (see it on ESPN at 8:00 PM Friday.)

Be safe this weekend on the roads during the winter storm we are getting. Please don't let that keep you from this place and time of worship on Sunday, it will be a blessing for sure. Pray that God will work in all our hearts.

Pastor Don Workman
PS - some of you may be interested in reading of the retirement of our good friend, Pastor Knute Larson from the Chapel in Akron and Green. Click this link to read the story. I say "amen" many times to the nice things said about him, he is an amazing pastor and an even better human being. Pray for him and Jeanine in the days ahead.

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