Friday, December 19, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

'Twas the week before Christmas, and in Streetsboro we are having an ice storm! This delayed some of our kids in Pennsylvania from getting home on Friday, but Lord willing they will make it safely on Saturday. I hope the storm has not caused problems for ones like the policeman in this story:
Gale-force winds and frigid temperatures had taken their toll. Snapped electric wires were sparking and snaking about the snowdrifts. As a foot patrolman, I was assigned to a desolate intersection to provide security at the scene of a downed wire.

It was 12:40 a.m. and -19 degrees when I relieved the initial guardian of this dangerous area. He pointed out the thin line swinging ferociously from the main electric circuit, as he entered the squad car for his return to warmth. I pulled my coat collar up to my earmuffs and took up my position to protect the public.

Finally, at 5:40 a.m., a utility truck arrived. The linemen checked the wires, then, laughing, descended toward me.

"Well, Officer," one of them said, "congratulations. You've successfully guarded a frozen kite string all night."

Speaking of kids and family, it was great to have Kurtis Biltz home this past Sunday following his graduation from boot camp with the Marines. It was a blessing to have the WHOLE Biltz family in our service, I know it was very special for Ron and Cindy.

This Sunday is a special one at Faith - it is our annual Christmas programs day. Remember that we are having only one service this Sunday morning which begins at 10:00 AM. There are NO classes or ABF's meeting at 9:30 AM, but all kids in the program need to be at church by 9:15 AM to prepare for the program at 10:00. Please read all this again carefully if you have kids in the program. This program is not real long, so we will continue after the program with some songs and a brief message. Please pray that those in attendance who may only come to church on this Sunday of the year will clearly understand the meaning of the songs and the message. I plan to speak from Matthew 3:1 -12 about "The Greatest Christmas Decoration of Them All."
Our Adult Festival Choir will present their cantata, "Tonight Heaven Touches Earth" on Sunday evening at 6:00 PM. You will enjoy the various musical styles presented, and you will appreciate the way the Christmas story is told through this cantata. Invite someone to attend this special time with you.
Parents, please remember the program rehearsal for your kids tomorrow (Saturday) from 9:00 AM to Noon. Don't be late. And remember all those in the Adult Choir Cantata that your dress rehearsal is tonight (Friday) at 7:00 PM.
And on Christmas Eve we will have our Annual Candlelight service beginning at 7:00 PM for the whole family. Readings, songs, and the special closing time will all take about an hour, making this a memorable addition to your family gathering - plan to attend together.
The week after Christmas is fairly quiet for many of us in regards to our regular schedules. On Sunday, December 28 we will have our regular Sunday school, ABF's, and Morning Service all at their normal times. We will not be having an evening service that Sunday as well as no evening service on January 4. There will be no midweek meetings on December 31, and we do not have any kind of New Year's Eve service. We encourage you to attend others you may know about. Our church office hours will be sporadic during the week between the holidays, but we will be in and out to check the answering machine, etc. I will be trying to spend as much time as possible with family during this week while they are in town. And Mary Horley, our secretary, will be getting ready to leave on December 29 for Arizona for three months.
Thank you for your strong giving in this last quarter of the year. Though it was worse earlier in the year, your recent giving has pulled our budget almost even. We are currently about $1,900 in the "red", but extra giving in the next two Sundays can go a long way to helping us end our fiscal year in the "black." Please consider helping.
We look forward to seeing you at our special services this Sunday. Please pray for health and safety of all involved in the programs.
Pastor Don Workman

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