Friday, October 3, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What an eventful week this has been regarding finances and politics nationally. We are moving closer to a remedy (I think) with our nation's economy, and we all pray that it will be the correct decision for now and the future. I hope our situation doesn't resemble this little quote:

"Today I went to buy a toaster and was given a bank as a free gift."

Probably younger folks don't remember these kind of "free gifts" banks gave out for opening accounts. And though it brings a smile, some of us wonder if that little statement may come true if it all doesn't settle down soon. We pray it does.

Today and tomorrow our church is the site for the Streetsboro Quilt Guild annual show. We tried this last year with them, and it all worked out well. And this year their show is even bigger. It is too bad it will all be gone Saturday evening, because the quilts are truly beautiful and interesting. This year in addition to all other awards, they had me give a ribbon for the "Pastor's Choice" Award. It was really hard to pick one out of so many wonderful quilts! But in the end, I went with my instincts and chose the "Ohio State" Quilt. I told the ladies I couldn't help it, I'm a guy! But it did have a lot of intricate work and much research involved - they listed all the schools in the University and even listed many of the famous alumni and what they are now doing. So, that should give my choice some justification! If you are around and have time, it would be worth stopping by to see all the displays.

I mentioned last week that Art Goodrich was in the hospital and not doing too well. As the Lord would have it, Art went to heaven this past Saturday evening and his service was last evening (Thursday.) It was glorifying to the Lord and honoring to Art's memory. Continue to pray for Pastor Tom and the rest of the family and for us as a church body, we will all miss Art but appreciate all the good traits he was known for and the fact that he knew and loved the Savior, Jesus.

This Sunday we have all our regular ministries and services all day: 9:30 AM Sunday school and Adult Bible Fellowships; 10:45 AM Worship Service; and 6:00 PM Service and AWANA. In our morning service we will continue our look at "How God Has And Does Deal With Us" by considering a few more of the Dispensations (Human Government, Promise, and maybe Law) and the corresponding Covenants (Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic.) You can prepare by praying for me and by reading over Genesis 8 - 15, and Exodus 19.) This all sounds like a lot, and it is, but we will look through as much as we can in the time we have. I am thankful that God has helped me as I strive to apply these truths to us today by seeing their significance at the time and for all time in God's Plan. And the cross of Christ and His ultimate Resurrection is hovering over all of it. The same will be true this week.

Remember that our 6:00 PM service will be our regular Communion Service. Come with your hearts prepared through self examination and prior thoughts about Christ's sacrifice for us. Then come to share a short testimony of how God has been at work in your life recently, and we will conclude with our Benevolent Fund offering. This is always a special and well attended service, don't miss it.

Our Fourth Annual "Trunk or Treat" Community fun time will be held on Sunday, October 26 from 3:00 - 6:00 PM. It is the same time as the city's event, but ours is one hour longer so that hopefully those who come may linger a bit to enjoy games and refreshments. And in this way we will hopefully have an opportunity to get to know them better. We have made great inroads and a good reputation through this event with our community, and we hope this year will build on the past. You can help by signing up to host a "Trunk" from you car, or go together with a friend on one. And all can help by bringing in candy to give away - bring it this week and put it in the bin in the lobby. We will need volunteers for other areas, so see Bill and Debbie Mace for questions or suggestions.

If you have not done so yet, please remember to register to vote in the election next month. I think you need to be registered 30 days prior, so time is running out, do it quickly. Those of you living in Streetsboro need to check the cards you receive in the mail that will direct you to your polling place, as I understand many of them have changed. We will be hosting four precincts here at our church, and we expect 1500 - 2000 people to come through our building that day. We will again give out various breads that you provide, see Beth if you have questions. And if you can help in the kitchen that day, or help direct traffic during the busy times, we would really appreciate that - please let us know if you can help.

Well, Nicholas turned TWO last Sunday, and he had a wonderful birthday weekend! Friday he went to the local high school football game which was SO exciting! And then later in the week he was able to take some of his birthday gift money and buy a "Thomas" Train set for the table / track his mom and dad found at a second hand store. Beth and I plan to make a fast trip out and back today and tomorrow to take some things to them, and to see Nicholas ever so quickly. I don't like short trips like this with him, but they are better than none at all.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday, as well as hearing from many of you who we know that are outside our area. As we all look toward Sunday may we prepare, pray, and participate in our services to the glory of God.

Pastor Don Workman

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