Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I hope you are staying warm this week! Where did our Spring go? My parents are up here from Florida and are freezing, but I assured them warmer weather was promised this weekend. Let's hope so! I took my dad out fishing one evening this past week - note that he is wearing my winter coat:

Here is one that made me smile - may it do the same for you:

When I was a 20-something college student, I became quite friendly with my study partner, a 64-year-old man, who had returned to school to finish his degree. He confessed, with a wink, that he had once thought more than friendship might be a possibility between us.

"So what changed your mind?" I asked him.

"I went to my doctor and asked if he thought a 40-year age difference between a man and woman was insurmountable. He looked at my chart and said, 'You're interested in someone who's 104?'"

If you notice to the right of this screen I added and rearranged some features. There will be a premanent list of our services, so I will only give the highlights of what is coming up (similar to what I've always done.) There is an archive if you care to view past issues, and I added a "sites worth seeing" section and will add other websites to this list that I feel are worthy, interesting, and edifying for the whole readership of this blog.

This is Memorial Day Weekend time, and as we have done for several years now, there will NOT be an evening service or other programming at 6:00 PM this Sunday (we will resume it next Sunday, June 1st when we have our AWANA Awards and Graduates Recognition.) It sounds like it should be a wonderful day weather-wise, so I hope you can use this Sunday evening to strengthen ties with family and explore avenues of outreach with neighbors. And please be safe.

In our 10:45 AM worship service we will sing together some great songs of faith, and then we will consider, " Worship - A Definition You Can Use" by looking at that classic definition of worship by William Temple from 1942. It consists of five key elements which we will examine along with some appropriate scriptures. A good one on which to meditate would be our memory verse for this month, Philippians 4:8. That will prepare your heart for this Sunday.

Last Sunday we voted on the proposals to reallocate some of our missions budget from two missionaries to two others, plus the raising of support for one other. All these proposals passed almost unanimously. They will all take effect over the summer. Thank you for your participation in this important process.

As you can see in our schedule we have two midweek prayer and Bible study opportunities for you. Our Thursday morning group enjoys their time together and are always on the lookout to invite others to attend. Once a month they have their "OASIS" gathering ("Older Adults Sharing In Streetsboro") and last Thursday they enjoyed a cookout and indoor picnic. Here are some pictures from that day, I hope they encourage others to join in this great time:

Last week our ladies enjoyed their "Hawaiian Luau" Mother / Daughter Banquet. It was much fun and great food. The only pictures I have available to me are of my family, here is one of my mother, sister, and Beth: I am sure other ladies have more general pictures to show. Thanks, again to Debbie Mace and her helpers for making it happen. On Mother's Day our Men's Ministry presented each lady with a beautiful rose and we also had a drawing for five hanging baskets.

Tomorrow (Friday, May 23) I travel to BBC and back in the same day to pick up Leah and her "stuff" from college. Please pray for my safety and stamina - it is about six and a half hours one way, and that is if I have "smooth sailing." In this season of road repairs it may take longer.

I have briefly mentioned a while ago that in the past year Beth has had difficulty with her voice and actually lost her main singing ability. Needless to say, this has been quite traumatic, especially for a vocal major in college. To be brief, after about three months of seeing a therapist, she finally saw a specialist at the Cleveland Clinic this past Tuesday. Up until now no one could find out what was wrong. After a thorough exam, including a video scope of her vocal chords, he found a "lesion" on one of them. This was an answer to prayer in that they finally did find something that may be the cause. He recommends surgery to remove it (it won't get better by itself) so we are taking the next step and praying that our health insurance will cover it all. She hopes to get that referral tomorrow when she sees the therapist as well as the ENT who recommended her to the specialist. Please continue to pray with us - thanks.

As always, there is always more to say, but this is enough for now. It is always good to hear from you, either through email or the comments section below. Please add yours. If you are traveling out of town this weekend, please drive safely. Maybe due to high gas prices you are sticking close to home, and in that case I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Prepare your heart for the heavenly Father's work in your life. And pray for some to make spiritual movement toward the Savior Jesus and progress in the Holy Spirit as we continually strive to live sanctified lives for Him. Work hard in spiritual tasks, one day it will be worth it all.

Well, I hate to add that the CAVS lost to Boston in their series, but Boston better enjoy their victory now because the new CAVS superstar is already practicing! Here he is in action:

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