Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Can you believe the date of this issue? It is already JUNE! That is hard to believe, I feel as if Spring has by passed us almost altogether. But if the next many days are in the 70's as forecast, I will take it!

I should also add that some of you (like my wife) get this note in it's full context through their email window. But I also saw that there are some features that you don't see - such as the services information, blog archives, and "sites to see" list. If you haven't seen it yet, click on: and that should take you to the web - version of this weekly note.

For those who are at church early on Sunday by 9:00 AM (those in our worship team, or are teachers or helpers, etc.) and have young children, there will be an activity time downstairs in the opening exercises area beginning this Sunday. Nancy Cobb has graciously volunteered to have this supervised time with the children to occupy them until 9:30 when Sunday school starts. Thanks, Nancy for coming up with a great ministry idea! If you have one for any area, please let us know.

Our Sunday school and Adult Bible Fellowship teachers work hard on the lessons they have to present each week, so I hope you will make a point to attend as a family on Sunday at 9:30 AM. These groups last for an hour and are a good preparation for worship. And an added benefit for adults especially is that you really get to know one another and care more deeply for each other through prayer and action. This really helps and speeds up the assimilation process for those who are new to our church - please give these classes a try.

Our 10:45 AM Worship service features a great mix of songs and hymns that are all upward oriented in worship. "Holy is the Lord", "We Fall Down", "Worthy is the Lamb", and "Holy, Holy, Holy" are just some of those we will sing. Dennis McMicael is a passionate giver, and his thoughts on giving before the offering should stimulate us all to give open handedly. We will continue our study in the subject of WORSHIP that is pleasing and acceptable to God by considering "Our Body Language of Worship." I am indebted to Dr. David Jeremiah for this week's talk on issues that relate to our posture in worship as well as the controversial matter of lifting holy hands to the Lord. We will glean from several Old Testament passages of Scripture with many New Testament applications for us. This is a subject I have wanted to address for a long time, and I am glad the time is here. Please don't miss it, and please pray that God will use me to present His Word clearly on the matter.

Sunday at Six PM will feature the wrap up of our AWANA season with the Annual AWARDS night. The kids and leaders have worked hard all year, please be present to support them in their achievements. This service will draw our AWANA program to a close for this year; but never fear, Vacation Bible School is only eight weeks away (sorry, Sandi) - July 20 - 24 from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. Please mark it on your calendar and let us know (note in offering plate is great) if you will help and how.

Also at 6:00 PM this Sunday we will have our annual Graduates Recognition time. It is usually a "fireside chat" format on the platform with myself interviewing each graduate. It is great to hear of their accomplishments as well as their future plans. Us "oldsters" are always encouraged by their enthusiasm for the future. We hope to hear from Amy Carroll and Kurtis Biltz (both high school grads) and possibly Adam Leech (Ashland University) and Joshua Workman (Baptist Bible College, PA) if they are in town and available. Each will receive a gift certificate from us to a local Christian bookstore, and following this service everyone is invited to a food and fellowship time to rejoice with the graduates. If you would like to honor them with a card, feel free to bring it that night. Also grads, don't forget to come early and set up your table with your accomplishments - most of you know the drill by now. And all are invited to Amy's Open House on June 7 from 2:00 PM until 8:00 PM.

Speaking of June 7, the Workman family would appreciate your prayers as we prepare for Joshua and Emily's wedding in a week on that Saturday in Orchard Park, NY. Contact us for directions to the church. And remember that the wedding is at 10:30 AM!!! (this is due to a variety of reasons related to the reception hall.) Pray that I will be "with it" as I have a major part in the wedding - by that time on Saturday mornings I am usually only on my second cup of coffee. Don't be surprised if you are there and I am up front with Bible and coffee mug in hand performing the ceremony! We are looking forward to having a VERY full house next week as family members begin to arrive - we are all preparing for Nicholas to come on Monday with his parents, then the fun starts. Hannah and Jon arrive from Portland, OR next Thursday at 11:00 PM in Pittsburgh, then we leave Friday AM for NY! Busy, busy!

This Sunday should be GREAT for everyone! Prepare early and plan to take part in it all. The Lord is good to those who honor Him, don't forfeit a blessing by missing time in worship and learning with His people. God bless you, I look forward to seeing many of you this week.

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