Friday, January 25, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Did you hear this one?:

In search of a new shower for our home, my wife and I went to a bathroom-supply store.
We discussed our needs with a young saleswoman. Since it was near closing time, we had to curtail our discussion and made plans to come back the next day to make our final decision.
Later that evening, my wife and I were at a restaurant, where the same young lady from the bathroom-supply store was now working a shift as a waitress.
As she passed our table, she suddenly recognized us and called to me in a loud voice, "HEY! You're the man who needs a shower!"

Hopefully that little story will bring a smile to your frozen, mid - winter face. Wow, is it cold here today (Friday)! The temperature this morning was 9 degrees, but now at mid morning it has risen to 11 degrees. But at least the sun is shining, and I am glad for that.

This Sunday promises to be a bit warmer so I hope you will plan to be here with us. Our 9:30 AM classes are a blessing and great opportunity for everyone. Nikki Carroll has been teaching a class on the "Basics of Bible Study" to several ladies, and others are encouraged to join. The "Men's Fraternity" class will be ending soon and it has been great to hear the good reports from the men. Another ABF meets in the worship center considering "God's Answers to Man's Questions" and all in it are enjoying that study. You are welcome to join them, come a little early and grab a snack.

At 10:45 AM we will worship together and resume our study on "Our Divine Navigation System" by continuing to look at the story of Jonah in the Old Testament. We are looking at some principles to help us navigate God's Will for our lives that arise from this familiar story to many of us. We have found that by looking more deeply at this story we have "mined" some great applications in our lives as we submit to God's will. I hope you will join us.

Our 6:00 PM ministries for children, youth, and adults continues this Sunday and is a blessing for all. For adults we include an informal time of music and consideration of a biblical passage which is applicable to life. It all finishes together about 7:10 PM, not very late. Fellowship often continues in the lobbies which sets a good basis for the coming work week.

On Sunday, February 3 I plan to offer at new member orientation class in my office at 9:30 AM. This would be for anyone who would like to know more about our church before committing to membership, but it is required for those officially joining our church. This class will continue for several weeks at the same time and place. If you are interested in this class, please let me know. Also, if you desire to attend it and join our church, please see me for a membership application so that you can fill it out ahead of time.

Our ladies have several activities planned soon, the first being their "Heart Sister Banquet" on Monday, February 11 at 6:15 PM. This is always a highlight of the year and we don't want any ladies to miss it. Sign up on the table in the lobby, and pick up and fill out a new Heart Sister form for 2008.

Don't forget to register your children for camp this summer at Skyview Ranch or Camp Patmos. Brochures are available in the church lobbies or you can register online.

Please pray for our ministries this Sunday. And help out by inviting someone to come with you - give them a call and tell them of the good things God has done for you through our ministries. I hear many will come if we only invite them and explain how we do things in our services to alleviate their misconceptions of what a "Baptist" church is about. They will be pleasantly surprised, and may find renewed spiritual meaning to life through Jesus Christ. That will definitely be worth any risk you take by just inviting them. Give it a try. I look forward to the results with you this week.

God bless you!

Pastor Don Workman

Nicholas and Mommy watercoloring - he was more enthused with putting the brush in the water cup!

Papa wishes he had this level of concentration!
(this picture did not "load" correctly - sorry)

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