Friday, January 18, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Here is a laugh to begin with: Tiring of the same old buzz cut from the base barber at Fort Dix, New Jersey, I went into town to get my haircut. The hairdresser noticed my accent and asked where I was from. "Trinidad," I said.
"Is that in Arabia?"
"The Caribbean."
She laughed, "Sorry, I never was very good at geometry."

Now, if you aren't laughing or wonder what is so funny about it, you need to contact me.

Some of you noticed there was no "looking toward sunday" email last week (thanks for noticing and mentioning it) and that was because Beth and I were at BBC last week to see 3 of their basketball games. With it being Joshua's senior year, we are trying to see as many as we can, which is never enough for us. BBC lost two close ones, and won one close one. This is what it is like after losing a close one that they really should have won: All our attempts to cheer up were to no avail - the only thing that helped was a win last Saturday, and another win this past Tuesday. So, hopefully they are on the right track.

When I am away I don't have my email list with me, that is something I am working on so that I can get these notes to you no matter where I am. If you sign up for the "atom" feed at the end of this note, you will be notified anytime a new one is up. Try it.

Last Sunday our missionary to Romania, Eugen Oana was here to report on that ministry. He was a blessing and I hated to miss him, but Beth and I hope to get with he and Felicia soon since they live not too far from us. By the way, tomorrow (Saturday, Jan. 19) is his birthday.

This Sunday we are back to a more "normal" Sunday (everytime I write that I pray that God will come and interrupt the "normal") where we will have all our regular services and ministries functioning. A new study for ladies at 9:30 AM features Nikki Carroll teaching about basic Bible study methods and more - it has been a blessing to them for the past two weeks. Soon our Men's Fraternity will be finished, and we will be back to our 4 or 5 regular ABF's at this time.

I will be holding a newcomers orientation class / membership class the beginning of February for any interested. This will be during the 9:30 AM hour for those desiring to know more about us or to officially join our church. This is also necessary for baptism, so let me know if you are interested.

At 10:45 AM we will sing many songs, one of them a new one to us: "Your Name" I will continue the series we began two weeks ago from the book of Jonah about "Our Divine Navigation System" that will give some principles for us to follow when we are determining God's will for our lives. Read Jonah 1 again, and try to note some things in it you have not seen before. Hint: reading from a couple of different Bible versions other than your familiar one will help.

At 6:00 PM all our Adult, Student, and Children's minstries will be going. Adults will sing and study from God's Word (possibly about the Believer's Rewards in Heaven), Students will take a look at the subject of Sexuality, which will be appropriate to their age. If parents have any quesstions or concerns (a previous written notification was sent to you) please contact Dennis and Barb McMichael. Our children in AWANA will have their regular activities as well as their Talent Night try outs. I keep thinking we should try that with adults sometime! We never know what ministries might spring from it.

Also, here are a few reminders:

- The Crown Financial Ministries "Money Map Live!" seminar day at The Chapel in Akron is Saturday, January 26. Many signed up to attend, which is great! You can register online at: but you must do so by Monday.

- Our "Heart Sisters" annual banquet is coming Feb. 11 at 6:15 pm. See Nancy Cobb or Debbie Mace for questions. I think even if you were late getting involved or not involved this year, you can still attend and plan to be involved next year - but let them know.

- Summer camp at Skyview Ranch brochures are available on the lobby table. Don't wait too long to register your kid(s) as weeks fill quickly. You may also register online at:

We had a good Annual Ministry Reports meeting this past Wednesday. Extra reports are available, be sure to pick up yours this Sunday.

Don't forget our all church memory verses for this month: Lamentations 3:40 - 41 they are not long, but they are not as familiar as some others. Work on them.

Here is the preferred hairstyle of Nicholas for Beth and me: For some reason all my kids make fun of it, because it is "like Papa's hair." They keep trying this "mohawk" look on him when Papa is not looking: What is YOUR vote? One of the new, fun things Nicholas is trying is to help wash the dishes: I remember when his mother was his age and thought that was fun! Well, now it is not as much fun for her, but I think this is good training. Good for Sarah and Sam!

Thanks for reading, but more so thanks for praying for all our ministries and for yourself this weekend. May God be pleased with all our services on Sunday, and may our hearts be drawn closer to Him. And as always, pray that some may come into a new personal relationship with the Lord Jesus as their Savior.

Pastor Don Workman

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