Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I survived this past April Fool's Day with no jokes or surprises played on me, how did you do? If you either played a good joke on someone or were the victim, why not add your comment below so that we can all share in it. Nothing embarrassing, please.

After being gone for a week (we didn't plan to be gone that long) for the birth of our grandson, Jonathon, it has been good to be back home this week and in our normal routine. We are thankful that Jonathon got a good report about his jaundice levels at his checkup last Monday and we pray he continues to improve. And we are glad both brothers enjoy each other (though you wouldn't know it from this picture of Jonathon):

This Sunday is Palm Sunday (already!) and we have a special morning planned. It begins with our Sunday School and ABF's at 9:30 AM. Studies in the books of Daniel and Luke, as well as a study about "The Power of Prayer" are available for adults. Children through teens have their own classes, and it has been a blessing in recent months to see all those classes filling up!

At 10:45 AM in our Worship service we will sing songs related to Palm Sunday and be blest with special music for the day. A highlight of this service is to pray for our children (age 3 through 3rd grade) just before they go to their Children's Church time - a couple of weeks ago there were 23 kids who came up for that group! May their number continue to increase, along with some new workers to help Tim Cobb, their leader. After this, our guest and friend Pastor Igor Bagirov of the Beth El Messianic Ministries and Congregation in Cleveland will be here to speak about the Jewish "Seder" and it's implications to us. Pastor Igor is a friend to our church who has been here before and we always appreciate his zeal in evangelism for the Lord. Encourage him by your presence, words, and giving toward his ministry.

At 6:00 PM we will continue all our regular ministries: AWANA kids will enjoy "Mismatched Night" (wear clothes that do not match - I am told at times that I do this on regular days) and parents, please remember to pay the dues for your child. Our Jr. / Sr. High Students will gather for fun, fellowship, and learning about, "Can our thoughts be sinful?" which should be very practical. Continue to pray for our leaders and students of our Summer '09 Japan Missions Team - they have a meeting this Tuesday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. And our Adults will gather to sing and study more about "God Our Father" by learning about the Holy Spirit's role in the TriUnity.

Remember that we offer a Nursery time at all our services for babies up through age 2. And by the way, we need more workers for our Nursery Learning Ministry. Please see Beth if you are able to help, our resource people are running low.

Next week remember to attend our Good Friday Service at 7:00 PM which will feature music, drama, and communion all in about an hour. It is a highlight of the year many families will not miss. And it helps us prepare our hearts for the following Resurrection Sunday, which will feature a lot of good, uplifting music and special message as we celebrate Christ conquering death. Remember that there is NO evening programming at 6:00 PM on Easter Sunday.

Please remember that this Saturday, April 4 is a church Work Day as we would like to clean up our grounds and building for the special Sundays coming up. Days like these are always a sure sign of spring! Bring any tools, supplies, etc. you can to help with the cleaning and fixing up process.

Men, remember the bowling night tonight (Thursday, April 2) at 8:00 PM at the Twin Star lanes in Ravenna. About a dozen guys enjoyed the time together last month, and about the same plan to be there tonight. And remember to sign up for the Skyview Ranch Men's Retreat on May 7 - 9.

Ladies, sign up to attend the Ohio Women's Missionary Union meeting on April 25 which will also be held at Skyview Ranch. We will be carpooling, so you need to sign up.

We had a good group here to pray and study today for the Thursday at 11:00 AM meeting. When you combine that group with our Weds. Evening at 7:10 PM prayer group, we have a good number who are advancing the cause of Christ through prayer. Why not consider joining one of these groups sometime?

As I close, I want to encourage you to pray for our president and all governmental leaders as the G 20 Summit global economic meetings are going on in London. As meetings like these have global implications, we cannot afford to be ignorant about them. Also pray for our economic situation in our country as it changes daily. I am not so sure I am a fan of our government running the car companies, and I still haven't figured out how I now own parts of AIG and GM, because I haven't heard about any major discounts I will get from either. Most of this is beyond a normal citizen's understanding, so that is why we should pray even more.

The Lord Jesus is the One Who is one day coming to set all these things aright. In thinking about it I often pray, "even so, come quickly Lord Jesus." Maybe you will join me in that prayer, and if you do I think it will help as you prepare your heart for Sunday.

Pastor Don Workman

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