Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last week seemed to fly by, so much so that it was Friday before I knew it! I was not able to get this note out then, and here it is Thursday already! So, I may have to make this quick, but did want to get it out to you.

The urgent item is that with this being Thursday afternoon, I wanted to remind everyone that we will be hosting the "Town Hall for Hope" live video of national financial commentator Dave Ramsey. It will begin here at 8:00 PM in our auditorium, please plan to be early because it will begin "on the dot." Doors will be open at 7:00 PM, hopefully the coffee will be on. Don't miss it - if you are reading this prior to 8:00 PM, you can still make it!

As for this Sunday we are glad to be back to our regular services after the Easter season. Sunday School and 3 ABF's are at 9:30 AM. Our Morning Worship time is at 10:45 AM with some great songs of worship and a message from Ezra 9 and maybe 10. These chapters deal with a very delicate and difficult subject, though particular to the Israelites of the day, would still have implications to our time. Please pray for me as I finish putting my thoughts together on it, and that these would be the things that God wants us to know and live.

At 6:00 PM our AWANA kids will have their programming in the Bible, activities, memory work, and don't forget that this week you are to come dressed up like one of your parents! Should be interesting! Jr. & Sr. High Student Ministry will be back on track with their Bible study and activities. And our Adults will meet to sing and study again about "God Our Father" by considering His Invisibility and other Attributes.

Our Easter Offering for 2009 will continue this week - remember that we designated it to go toward new chairs for Hammond Hall. They cost $20 each and we set a goal of purchasing at least 50 chairs. So far the offering total is $465 which comes out to approximately 23 chairs. Almost half way there, let's buy one or more chairs to meet and exceed our goal, we can certainly use these now and in the future.

With Spring in full swing, don't forget that we need help around the church with continuing clean up and lawn mowing for the summer. If you would be willing to serve in this way, there is a sign up sheet for mowing in the lobby. See Ron Sterner if you have any questions, and pray for Ron's family as his older brother down south passed away this week. Keep his elderly mother in prayer especially.

Pray for our college students as many of them are preparing or have taken final exams and completing final projects. It is a busy and hectic time for them, but exciting as they finish another year. Pray also for their employment needs for the summer.

I am sure there are other things I need to mention, but I must close this for now. Prepare your heart for the Lord's Day this Sunday and join with others in the great times we have had recently in worship of God. May His blessing be on us.

Pastor Don Workman

Jonathon says, "Hey, don't forget the Town Hall for Hope that my Papa just told you about!"

And Nicholas agrees!

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