Friday, January 30, 2009

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I apologize these notes have been a little sporadic since the holidays, my schedule (and sometimes my energy) has not cooperated lately. As many of you in our church know, last Friday I officiated at my older cousin's funeral - thanks for your prayers, it all went as well as it could. She knew the Lord as Savior, which is encouraging to us. Many in our family are still rejecting, some are considering, and some are close to coming to Christ, so this was another opportunity for them to hear. I pray the Word of God and testimony of some will have good effect.

As most know by now, we had another "snow day" this past week, our second of the year. Beth and I shoveled our driveway for the second time this winter - about 15" of new snow. (not us, but it looked like this!) It has been a long time since I have seen the snow piled so high at the end of our church parking lot - every time I drive out I wonder to myself, "how long will all this take to melt? Hopefully by July!"

But don't let the snow piles keep you from worshipping God together this Sunday! And don't let the Super Bowl keep you away in the evening either. Kick off is scheduled for about 6:20 pm, and our Communion Service and kids AWANA program begins at 6:00 PM - kids, don't forget to wear your favorite team colors and bring your offering for our AWANA missionary. So, you can attend here and not miss much of the game if you get right home. It just crossed my mind that if everyone attended the Communion service this Sunday evening (at least 110 of you) that the next Sunday evening I would wear a Steelers jersey for the service (win or lose) - wait, I think I went delirous for a minute, but maybe not . . . :-) If you are godly enough to not need such incentive to attend, I hope you will come with your heart prepared to testify of God's goodness in your life and to participate in remembering all that Christ has done for us in His life and sacrifice on our behalf.

In the morning time, remember that we have learning and fellowship times for all ages at 9:30 AM. Age appropriate Sunday School classes for kids and teens, and three Adult Bible Fellowships from which to choose studying the Bible books of Daniel, Luke, and James.

At 10:45 AM we Worship God together in our singing, giving, and hearing from His Word - come prepared to participate in worship! This Sunday we continue our study in the book of Ezra by looking at chapter 2 and seeing that "With Great Privilege and Blessing Comes Great Responsibility." In this book we noted that Israel was brought out of exile from Babylon via God's movement in the heart of King Cyrus of Persia. They were allowed to return to their land and the book of Ezra tells how the Worship system of Israel was restored as a precursor to the Walls being rebuilt as recorded in the following book of Nehemiah. Ezra 2 can look "boring" at first glance with its many lists; but upon closer evaluation we will see the great privilege afforded these people which came with a cost. Likewise, as we are blest by God in many ways there is responsibility attached. By coming this Sunday you will consider this important arrangement in your own life. How exciting - I can hardly wait to see what God says through His Word and His servant (which is me!)

Last week we had a wonderful all church supper after our morning service, thanks for attending. And special thanks to our Social/Hospitality Team for putting it together. We will be having another time like this soon, probably featuring your various soups, chili, and breads so stay tuned and plan to attend.

Our Wednesday (7:00 pm) and Thursday (11:00 am) Prayer and Bible study groups are always a blessing and the fellowship is encouraging - give one a try if you haven't lately.

Our Upward basketball program is in its third week and it is going extremely well. Kids are learning and having fun, the adults who help make it happen are great, and new relationships are being formed. Pray that God will continue to use this ministry. Remember that games this week will be held at First Baptist, Aurora (we alternate locations with them weekly) and begin on Saturday at 8:00 AM.

Ladies, be sure to sign up for and put on your calendar the annual "Heart Sisters Banquet" at 6:30 PM on Monday, February 9. This is always an annual highlight for the ladies, and sets the basis for any who wish to be involved in the Heart Sisters program of mutual encouragement through the year.

As we together "Look Toward Sunday" and our evening Communion service, let me close with this Puritan prayer from "The Valley of Vision" page 77 which will set our hearts and minds aright for this time together:

"Holy Lord,
I have sinned times without number and been guilty of pride and unbelief,
of failure to find Thy mind in Thy Word,
of neglect to seek Thee in my daily life.
My transgressions and short - comings
present me with a list of accusations,
But I bess Thee that they will not stand against me,
for all have been laid on Christ;
Go on to subdue my corruptions,
and grant me the peace to live above them."

With this prayer and attitude in mind I look forward to seeing many of you this Sunday!

Pastor Don Workman

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