Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The quiz question of the week is: from the picture here what season is it in Streetsboro, OH?? Well, we really already know what season it is, but from the week we have had, it would be hard to tell. And we did not get all the snow they did in PA and NY from the "Noreaster" that even interrupted the World Series (congratulations, Philly fans.) I will keep an eye on the tree in the picture, which is in the front yard of our church. Hopefully it will turn to that beautiful red like last year!

Last Sunday afternoon we held our annual "Trunk or Treat" community outreach, with over 200 visitors to our event. We gave out treats, stuffed animals, popcorn, etc. in addition to a gospel tract, church brochure, and an Upward basketball brochure. It was not only fun to do, but a blessing to meet and talk with many from the community who seemed in no hurry to leave. Thank you to all who prayed and helped! Congratulations to Jeff Sheldon who won the guest vote for the "favorite, most creative" trunk. He received a $25 gas card. We also had a drawing for another card that went to one of our community guests. Here are several pictures of the event, and there are many more. I will leave it up to you to guess who they are (some you can tell right away.)

We are now looking toward the Election Day ministry next Tuesday all day and evening. As long as there are voters, we will be giving out special breads, cookies, coffee, etc. For those who signed up to help, thank you, and don't forget your appointed times. And pray that by providing a place for four voting precincts we will have opportunity to attract some who may need spiritual help or a place to worship. You would do well to view a short video before voting found by clicking on:

As for this Sunday, in preparation to help you on Tuesday, I will speak in our 10:45 AM service from Deuteronomy 4:1 - 10 about "Guiding Principles for Voting This Tuesday." That passage is written to Israel, but since our nation was founded upon Judeo - Christian values we will find four principles that can guide us through the maze of some confusing choices. The best thing anyone can do is to read answers given by candidates to questions posed to them and then sift them through your Biblical / theological "grid." This time on Sunday will hopefully be helpful to us all.

Prior to this time will be our Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowships at 9:30 AM. In addition to our regular classes, we will begin an in depth class on "Discipleship" taught by Lila Erb. This is for anyone who wants to know more about what Jesus words, "Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Me" really mean in living out the Christian life. It will also be a time to challenge and motivate you to more serious living for Him. This class will meet downstairs in our library - small, but intimate!

At 6:00 PM our AWANA kids will study the Bible and say their memory verses along with activity time. This night will also begin their annual Food Drive, don't forget your items. And if you are not in AWANA I am sure you can also contribute to this drive which benefits our Streetsboro Christian Cupboard.

For our teens and adults at 6:00 PM we will be having our Communion Service which will include many testimonies for those who are entering full membership here. It is always a blessing to hear these then vote and receive them into membership. Prepare your heart for this time and be sure not to miss it. At the conclusion we will be collecting our Benevolent Fund offering.

Our Christmas Cantata practices on Sundays at 4:45 PM will continue this week. They have been going well so far. It is entitled, "Tonight Heaven Touches Earth" by Randy Vader and Jay Rouse, and we plan to do it on Sunday evening, December 21 - plan now to attend it and bring someone with you. On that same day our Children's Christmas Program will happen in the morning. But more on all that another time (I think the snow outside on the ground is getting to me!) But before I leave the theme of Christmas, don't forget that you can bring in a CD, MP3, etc. to Doug Carr that contains some of your favorite Christmas music (no "jingle bells", etc.) Doug and his boys will then make a compilation of everyone's favorites into one CD to play prior to our services in December - but we need yours NOW to get it ready. Try to get yours to him soon.

We have been telling you about our combining in with First Baptist, Aurora in their Upward basketball season for boys and girls pre - K through grade 6. Brochures were distributed last week, and a sign up board is in the lobby for you to indicate where you can help (coach, ref, etc.) We NEED your help to make this happen; it is an excellent program for outreach as well as building into the families in our church. Take a look at to get more information about the program and then please sign on to help.

Beth and I (as well as Pastor Tom and Sandi) received a gift bag FULL of cards and notes of appreciation from many of you this past month. We sat together and looked through them after Prayer Meeting last evening, and our hearts were blest by the expressions of love from you. Please know the same comes from us, and it is a great privilege for us to serve here with and among you. We love you and are always striving to bring God's best to you. Thank you, again for these.

Look what flew over our house last week as Beth and I were trying to do our Fall yard clean up: It seemed so beautiful and serene for them up there and I thought, "better them than me! I don't think I want to try THAT!" But it was pretty against the backdrop of the blue sky. I was in the midst of using my leaf blower in the yard, and when I saw them I aimed it up at them, and .... not really - that was for my kids! It should remind them of many of dad's stories over the years.

I hope you are building memories with your kids if you have them at home. Believe some of us when we say those years go by all too quickly. We are in the family building business by cooperating with God and His Word as it relates to child rearing and family living. And also how it tells us to relate to Him and each other as we move through the various stages of life beyond child rearing. Listen to and obey His Word for the best results!

A warmer weekend is promised to us as we Look Toward Sunday. Prepare ahead by praying, reading the passage, laying out yours and your kids' clothes on Saturday night, turning your clock BACK an hour this Saturday when you go to bed, use the extra hour in the morning for a good breakfast and maybe some Christian TV programming to warm your heart and spirit up for all that God has for you. And then come to learn and share in good and godly things.

See you then,

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