Friday, September 5, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

(sorry, no pictures this week as my home computer is acting up for some reason. I will have to take care of it next week.)

Just a quick note this week as I will be leaving momentarily to travel to Camp Michindoh in Hillsdale, Michigan to meet with 54 men from Emmanuel Baptist Church of Toledo, Ohio to speak three times at their Men's Retreat. This is the most men they have ever had registered for a retreat, so I look forward to a great time. Please pray for me and them, for safety and the Lord to bless the three talks I will give between Friday night and late Saturday afternoon on their theme, "A Privileged Adventure: Working With God's Man in God's Church."

As for us here at Faith, this Sunday is our Annual "Dinner on the Grounds" Day. Dress is very casual and comfortable as we hope you will plan to attend the whole time together. It begins at 9:30 AM with our Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowships. Then continues with our Morning Service at 10:45 AM with great songs and hymns of worship to God and hearing from His Word. I will use various Scriptures as we consider, "Let' Get the Big Picture." Actually it will deal with God's Big Picture for mankind and His relationship to us, from before history began to after history ends. Sounds like a long talk, but it won't be that long. This is a continuation of a study we began a couple of weeks ago, plan to attend to maintain continuity of it in your heart.

Following the service we will have some games for kids and yes, some friendly competition for adults. Or you can just fellowship and watch. But don't leave. About 2:00 PM or a little after we will begin our brief afternoon time together which will feature a few songs and then a talk by guest Richard Mook who will tell of God's provision and providence in his lifetime through some horrific losses of family, jobs, etc. But it will end on a positive note to see how God brought him through and sustains him today. It should be inspiring to us all.

Remember that next Sunday, September 14 many of our fall programs swing into full gear, especially AWANA. Call us if you have questions, and be sure to invite and bring kids around you who are age 4 through grade 6. Our student ministry for teens will be meeting on a regular basis, and our regular evening service will be back after a summer of small group meetings.

In the morning of Sept. 14 we will host the President and some staff from Baptist Bible College of PA in our combined ABF time as well as having BBC President Dr. Jim Jeffery speak in our morning service. Plan to come to be informed, instructed and blest.

That's all for now, I need to run. But I look forward to your prayers on my behalf this weekend for the retreat and then our Sunday service. And remember to pray for the Biltz family as they host an open house for Kurtis on Saturday (tomorrow) just before he leaves for his obligation to the U.S. Marines on Sunday. Plan to stop by and encourage Kurtis and his family.

God bless,

Pastor Don Workman

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