Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

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We had a great Vacation Bible School this past week. From the pictures you can see that we had a good attendance and a lot of fun learning. We want to thank our director Sandi Goodrich (and her friend, "Dr. Doug A. Fossilup") and everyone who helped in making this year's VBS a success: all teachers, helpers, band and singer members, craft and activity workers, snack coordinators, kid "herders", multimedia guys in the back, Ray and Cherie for cleaning each day, and especially the parents who brought the kids and their friends each night. Much was done in young lives to teach and challenge them to think about our Creator God and how they can have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus.

Last Saturday the wedding for Nikki and Bobby Childs was a blessing. Earlier this week I asked prayer for him and his brother as they were sick right before Bobby and Nikki were to leave on their honeymoon; we are thankful that they did leave though I have not heard personally from them that they did, how he is doing, or how the honeymoon is going. Strange thing, huh? Pray for them as they come home later this week and then eventually resume their duties on the staff of Skyview Ranch.

This Sunday we will be hosting our annual "Candidate Sunday" featuring staff and missionaries from Baptist Mid Missions. One of the privileges we have in being located not too far from the home office is to help them by providing a place where brand new missionary candidates can "get their feet wet" in front of real church people as they hone their testimonies and presentations before they "hit the road" in deputation minstry. I appreciate our church being so gracious to work with them and encourage them in this way.

This Sunday we are privileged to have Dr. William Smallman come and with him will be third generation missionaries, Mark and Leslie Boyd (headed to Germany.) Dr. Smallman is the First Vice President and Director of Global Training. His responsibilities include overseeing Baptist Mid-Missions’ continuing education program and serving as consultant to BMM seminaries. Dr. Smallman holds a Doctor of Missiology degree and is also adjunct professor of Missiology at a number of Baptist seminaries and Bible colleges. He wrote "Able To Teach Others Also: the Nationalization of Global Ministry Training" and co-edited "Missions in a New Millennium" with Dr. Ed Glenney.

Dr. Smallman and his wife, Doris, joined BMM in 1968 as missionaries to Manaus, Brazil. Dr. Smallman came to the Home Office in 1980 as Candidate Administrator and assumed his current position in 2004. Please prepare for their ministry by praying that God will minister through them as they present God's Word and testify of His goodness in their lives. The Boyd's will also be ministering in music and possibly with our children.

Please keep Beth and me in your prayers as we will be leaving for two weeks on Tuesday, July 29 through Tuesday, August 12 to be with Hannah and Jon in Oregon. This is our first trip to see them since they were married three years ago - we are long overdue! They promise to be looking for us on the other end in Portland, OR and after them showing us around Jon's home area for about a week, we will travel down to the southwestern corner to their home in Brookings, OR. We are looking forward to seeing the beauty of this state that so many have told us about. An added feature will be a meeting with my best man (and his wife) from our wedding 30 years ago. Keven and I have not seen each other in at least 25 years, so this will be an exciting time. (Keven does recieve these "Looking Toward Sunday" emailings weekly, so: "hey, man, don't forget our appointment!" I don't think he will.)

In my absence some of our men will be handling our midweek prayer and Bible meetings on Wednesdays. The on Sunday, August 3 Mr. Bruce Reese will be speaking in our AM service. He works locally but is also an Advocate with Compassion International. On Sunday, August 10 Skyview Ranch Director Jeremy Hales will be speaking in both Sunday school and our AM service - you won't want to miss him. I know our kids who went to camp this past month will be here for sure.

After we get back late on Tuesday night we will leave sometime Weds. to meet Sam and Sarah out in western Ohio to pick up Leah (and see Nicholas, of course.) Then after one day of catching our breath, we will leave that Friday (Aug. 15) to take Leah back to BBC to begin her junior year. Please keep her in prayer as she was elected to the Student Body Council which will entail extra time and wisdom.

In the event I am not here on Sunday, August 17 I have scheduled our friend, John Nelson, to speak that morning. Beth and I thank you for your grace, understanding, and encouragement this year as it has been out of the ordinary for our family.

Pray and prepare for this Sunday. The missionaries and Dr. Smallman in particular will be a great blessing to you as he shares in ABF and Morning Worship times. Summer is busy, but always be sure to give God the high priority He deserves in your life and church.

God bless you,
Pastor Don Workman

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