Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How about a smile to begin? My friend, Steve, who lives in Florida sent me some good jokes, and some pictures that speak for themselves - here is a sample of both for you, sure to bring a smile (especially for Sunday School teachers):

A Sunday School teacher asked her class why Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them to Jerusalem . A small child replied, "They couldn't get a baby-sitter."

At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and she said, "Johnny, what is the matter?" Little Johnny responded, "I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife."

Thanks, Steve for the smiles!

This Sunday is a special, out of the ordinary Sunday for us at Faith. It will begin with Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowships at 9:30 AM. We are into a new ABF season with studies in the Bible books of Daniel, Psalms, and Ephesians. All are very good, if you are new to it and don't know where to go, we can help. Come early, get some refreshments, and we will help you find an ABF that fits your needs.

At 10:45 AM we have a unique Worship Service prepared which will feature our time at the Lord's Table (Communion), so please come with your life examined and your heart prepared. It will feature a new ensemble to sing, other great music, a couple of testimonies of God's faithfulness, a brief talk where we will see how Communion fits into our Worship (read over Revelation 5:1 - 10) and the participating in the elements of bread and cup. Plan to give in our Benevolent Fund through yours or one of the offering envelopes in the pews.

Immediately following that service we will enjoy an all church dinner to fellowship with one another. Please plan to stay, and remember to bring the items for which you signed up. As soon as we are done, we will reconvene in the worship center to witness the Baptism of recent new believers, hear their testimonies as well as others who are joining our church family in full membership. Don't miss this time, it will be special, especially as we will have opportunity to be involved in both of the key ordinances of a Baptist church in one day. Our AWANA for kids program will meet at this time. To wrap up this early afternoon service we will have a brief quarterly report time of our ministry teams and finances. We will also address a very important Missions related issue - please stay the whole time, which should be done before 3:00 PM. Please note that there will be NO other services or ministries this Sunday evening at 6:00 PM. But for our teens there WILL BE a time for them at the McMichael's home for fellowship, games, and a campfire supper. See Dennis or Barb for details.

Ladies, please be sure to sign up for the Mother / Daughter banquet to be held on Monday, May 12 at 6:15 PM. And please pay ($7.50 per person) Debbie Mace THIS Sunday so that all needed items for the banquet can be purchased and paid for - we do not have a budget to cover these items, so it is "pay as you go." Thanks.

You may notice as you drive up to the building this Sunday some major changes. It used to look like this: Now it looks like this: We appreciate the help of Lawrence Heeter and his guys from his company to take care of the large pine trees. Several reasons brought about their removal, but a main one was to open up the view of the church from the intersection. I had some very melancholy feelings while they were brought down, so I stayed the whole time with them until it was finished. Thanks, Lawrence for your generous help.

There are many other ways you can help around our church - if you have time and want to jump in, please let us know and we will steer you in the right direction. Just ask Tim Dular who has volunteered for the past several years to do the initial spring straightening up of our landscaping around our entrance and sign. Thanks, Tim for your faithful help!

This will be a great Sunday to Look Toward, please plan to take part. You will be blest in many ways and at the end of the day, glad that you took part. Pray that all the services will exalt Jesus Christ and honor the Father God. And may His Holy Spirit be active and evident in all we do.

Pastor Don Workman

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