Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Sunday, March 23, 2008

I am thankful for the official arrival of Spring yesterday. But I was not quite as thankful for the snow shower storm late yesterday - it took an hour and a half for me to get home from Cleveland (normally a 45 minute trip.) I am looking forward to the REAL Spring to arrive, not this imposter!

I am thankful for the time Joshua was able to spend at home this week on Spring break. Between doctor appointments, some rest, and some wedding planning we were able to go fishing for part of one day. Once again, mid March is not the best fishing time - at least for us. It was too cold, water too high, or too frozen. Here he is on Lake Erie, notice the ice in the background.

I am thankful for Leah's continued safety in Ireland as she ministers with the Chamber Singers from BBC in various churches there. If you investigate the impact of Christianity in Great Britain currently you will see that the churches there are in need of encouragement. I also know the Lord has done much in Leah's life through this time. And on their day off, can you imagine being in Ireland on St. Patrick's Day?

I am thankful for this week, which many signify as "holy week" when we remember Christ's passion for us leading to the cross, His death, then celebrating His glorious resurrection from the dead on Sunday. We will have a very special service on Good Friday at 7:00 pm for about an hour. It will include music, drama, communion, and time to think about all Jesus did for us. It is something that you won't want to miss.

I am thankful for the blessings that Sunday brings, especially this Easter Sunday. We will begin at 9:30 am with our Sunday school (for children and teens) and Adult Bible Fellowships (3 different ABF's, studies in the books of Daniel, Psalms, and Ephesians), including our membership class. We will continue in our 10:45 am Worship service with some great music revolving around the resurrection theme - come with your voice warmed up. We will consider in our sermon, "It is Finished; It is Done - Rejoice!" You can see it in John 19:30 and Revelation 21:6 and both have very special significance to us. Remember there is NO service, AWANA, or Student Ministries at 6:00 pm this week only.

I am thankful many of you gave so well to our offering last week - thank you. We are still lacking from our shortfall from a few weeks earlier, but if we continue to give faithfully in our tithes and offerings, our deficit will be erased soon. Please help. And remember that we are receiving our special "Easter Offering, 2008" and will do so through next week. So far, the total for that stands at $660 and will help toward replacing the windows in our auditorium, which is much needed.

I am thankful that Beth and I will be able to run out to Indiana for a few days after Easter to see Sarah, Sam, and Nicholas. He is jabbering and making more sense now, and does pronounce many words quite well for his age (18 months.) I have thought for some time now that he is more advanced than most his age, now I am almost sure of it! :-) Maybe we can play in his "fort" that he and mommy made one day. He really enjoyed crawling through it.

I am thankful that "March Madness" has begun on TV today (Thursday) and that so far all of the teams I picked have either won or are winning - except for Kent State's pathetic showing in their first game. Maybe in the next few years this time will become a national holiday! Woe to those who are not into basketball.

I am thankful that God in His goodness gives us all so many things to richly enjoy. May we do that in ways that honor Him and bring Him glory, and much of that will be when we worship Him in our churches this weekend. As this time of year is one of the times the unreligious may consider attending church or considering spiritual things, pray and prepare that God will use you to help them find the Risen Saviour, Jesus.

Pastor Don Workman

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