Friday, February 8, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I have talked with some people over the years who are at times embarrassed about their extended family. It is interesting to me because I have found that almost ALL families are a little strange in some ways. Can you relate to this story along those lines?:

During a phone conversation, my nephew mentioned that he was taking a psychology course at the university.
"Oh, great," I said. "Now you'll be analyzing everyone in the family."
"No, no," he replied. "I don't take abnormal psychology until next semester."

Yeah, that's us. Now maybe we can all breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy life a little more.

Wasn't last Sunday's Super Bowl game exciting? I went to our evening Communion service, even stayed afterward to watch a short video, fellowshipped with some, then went home, showered and still saw part of the halftime show and all the second half. I guess they said over 93 million people watched it - and that eTrade commercial of the "banking baby" doing so well in the stock market that he "rented a clown" was my favorite! (Click on the picture to see the commercial, the second one down on their right side menu. Then click BACK to this page.)

Speaking of babies and the Super Bowl, here is Nicholas and daddy watching the game: It didn't last long with Nicholas, and playing with his farm toys won out in the end: Maybe if the Colts were in it he would have watched longer!

This Sunday we have our full order of services all day. 9:30 AM begins our Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowships - including our new member orientation in my office. This is for anyone who desires membership in our church, as well as anyone who just wants to find out more about us before officially joining. Please come on time, you are invited.

At 10:45 AM we have a great service planned featuring uplifting music which includes a duet by Tom and Sandi. We will continue in our series, "Our Divine Navigation System" by looking at Jonah 3 and seeing "The Blessings of Our Submission to God's Will." Knowing God's will, and doing God's will are two different things, and I hope we can bring both together in your life this Sunday.

At 6:00 PM our AWANA kids are reminded to bring Valentines to exchange - and don't forget your Bibles and lesson books. Our student ministry will meet and continue a careful study this month on Biblical sexuality, a study that is repeated about every four years with parents consent. Pray for them. Our adults will meet and continue to look at what the Bible says about our "Heavenly Rewards" that can be ours if we live faithfully for God.

Our "Missions Commission" plans to meet at 4:45 PM this Sunday, all members please be there. If you have missions related questions or suggestions, please let me know and I will take it to them.

Don't forget our regular Wednesday evening and Thursday morning prayer, sharing, and Bible times together. These are special times for growth and fellowship.

Our Women's Ministry "Heart Sister Banquet" is this Monday at 6:15 PM. It is a time to eat, share, and reveal who your Heart Sister was for last year and have opportunity to get a new one for 2008. This is an annual highlight for our ladies, don't miss it.

Our Men's Ministry is going through a time of renewal, and if you have interest in being a part of it please sign up on the sheet in the lobby or drop me an email note that you want to find out more.

Beth and I are grateful to be able to be present at Joshua's BBC basketball game last Saturday as they won, and he was able to score his 1,000th career point (which is a milestone if you are not familiar with it.) It was a complete surprise to him, and it showed on his face when they stopped the game to honor him and present the game ball to him. I made a short video of it on my "Facebook" account, hopefully you can access it here: (I am not sure if you need a "facebook" account to get it, but give it a try.) We all rejoice with him in this accomplishment!

I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Come with your heart prepared (through confession of sin, and physical rest) to learn from God's Word, and to worship Him from your heart. May others see this and come to faith or have their faith increased by being part of our time together! (1 Corinthians 14:25)

Pastor Don Workman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, nice pictures