Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

With my strange sense of humor, I can relate to the guy in this story:

Frequent hand washing in my job as a medical technologist and the harsh weather combined give me very dry skin.
One night as I prepared for bed, I rubbed my hands with petroleum jelly and covered them with an old pair of white gloves. As I sat in bed reading a book with my gloves on, my husband finished showering and came into the room wearing a towel.
Drying himself off, he went to the closet, selected a tie and put it on. "What are you doing?" I asked.
"Well" he replied, "if you are going to be formal. So am I."

Yes, sounds like something I would do to my poor wife!

We had a wonderful communion service this past Sunday evening, I hope you were part of it. We have a great line up of services this Sunday as well. Our ABF's and Sunday School at 9:30 AM continue to bless many. I think the ladies ABF studying the "Seeking Him" curriculum has helped all those who attend. It would be great if anyone in any ABF would leave a comment or drop me an email to tell us of your blessing and learning experience so that others may be encouraged to attend.

In our 10:45 AM worship service we will feature a brief presentation by Mr. Bruce Reese about the Compassion International ministry which deals with children in need worldwide. This is part of our current emphasis on Missions this month. I will also continue a study we began last Sunday from Matthew 9:35 - 38 and see "How Does My Giving Help?" Last week we primarily looked at v. 35 to see how the ministry Jesus had is much the same ministry our missionaries today have. And we saw how our giving contributes to our partnership with them. We will finish it this Sunday and I hope we will have a deeper sense of partnership in missions today.

Last Sunday was the target date to return your "Faith Promise for Missions" commitment cards, thank you to all who cooperated with us. It is still not too late if you didn't turn yours in, bring it this Sunday. Our total so far in the Faith Promise commitments is approximately $9,000 which meets about half our missions budget commitments. We are encouraged by this, but would still LOVE to have our Faith Promise meet 100% of our missions commitments.

Sunday evening at 6:00 PM will be our full range of family ministries. The Adults will watch the final part of our video series, "The Best Question Ever" with Andy Stanley. This addresses the 'Best Decision Ever' and will help us see the principles, boundaries, and rules that govern the process to wise decision making. This has been a great study, don't miss this final installment.

Our Student Ministry will meet for fun and food, as well as a time of Biblical learning. Don't forget that there is a Bonfire activity on Friday, November 9 (tomorrow night.)

And our AWANA program for those age 4 through grade 6 will continue at 6:00 PM and in addition to the games and learning time this night will feature "Military Appreciation Night" - write a note of appreciation to a soldier and bring it with you. Our AWANA kids and leaders are sponsoring a "food drive" this month for those in need. Everyone can help them by dropping off your items on the table in the lobby. Canned and boxed goods are always safe to bring (non - perishable.)

Ladies, don't forget that this Monday evening at 7:00 PM will be the "Women's Ministry" meeting. See Debbie Mace for details.

Speaking of Debbie Mace, please pray for her as she heads up this Saturday's "One Stop Shop" here in our gym (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.) Many, many vendors of home based businesses will be there with the opportunity for all to do some holiday shopping. This is not intended to be a fund raiser of any sort for our church - rather it is meant to facilitate having people in our building and for many of us to have the chance to meet them. Any extra proceeds from the day will go toward a women's shelter ministry.

We had a great day last Tuesday during election day by hosting four voting precincts for our city in our gym. There were at least 1,000 neighbors who came to vote, and we ministered to them by providing the free "quick" breads, coffee, hot chocolate, and other snacks to them for free. It was great to do this, and to meet many of our neighbors. There were several good contacts, and we hope to see them here to worship with us sometime. Thanks go to Beth Workman for heading this up, and special thanks to Tim Cobb for manning the kitchen ALL DAY (5:30 AM - 7:45 PM.) Thanks also to many others who helped out during the day as they were available.

These special events (Trunk or Treat, Election "bread", One Stop Shop, etc.) have proved to be a new way to do "visitation" in this day when it is difficult to get with people. We have had some attend or join our church due to this informal contact. Praise the Lord, and may He continue to bless these endeavors as we strive to creatively minister on His behalf.

Last evening was a blessing at our midweek Wednesday meeting at 7:00 PM. We shared and prayed, then viewed a video about the ministry of the Baptist Childrens Home worldwide. This is a great ministry to many orphaned children in the U.S. and the world. It not only added to our Missions emphasis, but challenged us to pray for this good ministry in a deeper way. Plan to attend this Weds. meeting in the weeks ahead as we pray together and feature other ministries through video.

Many folks have behind the scenes ministry here at Faith, and we want to thank them for that. One of the very faithful couples we have is Ray and Cherie Long who serve as our key janitorial staff. They do a conscientious and wonderful job of keeping our facilities clean and Christ honoring, and they do it without pay or fanfare. We all want to thank this dear couple and help them as we can. See me or Ray if you would like to pitch in and help.

Well, our brand new 24 hour Wal Mart Supercenter opened this past Wednesday - how did we ever do without it? Beth and I made our initial visit on Weds. after prayer meeting and were handed a map to the store at the door - wow! It is suppose to be the 3rd largest in Ohio, or the world, or something like that. I was going to insert a picture of it, but it is so new I couldn't find one, and well, you pretty much know what a Wal Mart looks like anyway. I don't know what will happen to the "old" store a mile down the road (not far from our house) - I hope another 'megachurch' doesn't move in, unless it is US!

Your attendance, prayers, ministry, and giving is important to us this Sunday - please don't miss on any part of it. You are needed, and what we have to offer is really needed by you. Prepare your heart for God's Word and ministry and get the most out of church this Sunday.
See you there -

Pastor Don Workman to hear recent messages.
Nicholas going "pumpkin hunting" a few weeks ago.

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