Friday, July 20, 2007

July 22, 2007

Have you heard this one? : An older woman recently returned from her hometown in North Carolina and told a friend they'd spruced up the churchyard cemetery since her last visit several years past. "Lots of new greenery," she said. "And families are together now."
"All together?" her friend asked, puzzled.
"Well," the first replied, "years ago they never much worried where they buried someone because everyone was a neighbor anyhow. They'd just dig a grave wherever it seemed to balance things. But they've redone it so people are with their children and grandchildren, instead of scattered."
The friend was aghast. "You mean they exhumed all those people and reburied them?"
"Oh my, no," was the reply. "We just shifted the headstones.

That's OK - I reacted the same way as you.

This Sunday we look forward to the beginning of our "Sports 4 Life" ministry which starts at 6:00 PM and will go until about 7:20. We have said much about it, so please pray that the 1,000 + brochures we have distributed as well as personal invitations will bear fruit. It is for kids who have finished grades 1 - 5 and we hope their parents will stick around to watch. In that way we hope to make some good contacts with neighbors around us. Please pray with us about this ministry.

In the morning this Sunday our ABF's continue at 9:30 AM along with Sunday School for kids. In the "Homebuilders" ABF they have been discussing "Watercooler Topics" and this Sunday will address the question, "Are There Errors in the Bible?" (specifically the Old Testament). Other ABF's discuss equally relevant topics as they study the Scriptures. You can pick from four ABF's, so there should be one for you.

In our 10:45 AM Worship service we will learn a new song ("Break Our Hearts" by Passion) as well as sing some others that we know and honor God. We will continue our series in 2 Corinthians by looking quickly at chapters 8 & 9 to see the importance of the Grace of God as it pertains to our giving. I hope last week's introduction to chapter 8 helped you see how wonderful the Grace of God is, and now we will apply that to our lives of stewardship. Please come. And thank you to many who have faithfully supported our church through your giving this summer. This is often a lean time for churches in the financial area, and though we are not "fat" in it right now, neither are we "emmaciated" as in the past. Another month to go, so maintain your faithful attendance and giving to the glory of God.

Don't forget that a week from this Sunday (July 29) we will be hosting the annual Baptist Mid Missions Candidate day in our ABF's and Morning service. We will again have Rev. and Mrs. David Washburn, administrator here as well as Paul and Joanna Avery, who are newly appointed missionaries going to Argentina. This is the time where they "get their feet wet" in front of churches in preparation for their deputation time, and we are privileged to help them hone their presentation skills. We have always been gracious and understanding to these new appointees, and God has always blest us in return. Look forward to encouraging all these fine folks.

You will be hearing more in the coming weeks regarding our annual "Dinner On the Grounds" day when we often celebrate our church anniversary and enjoy an informal day of worship, food, fun, and music. This year it will be on Sunday, August 26 - save the date. The Michael Banks family will be with us; they are new missionaries to China with ABWE, but are veterans in the Lord's service as he has been a pastor in Michigan for many years. They have also adopted a child from China, so Leah McMichael will have some special company!

Thank you for being interested in and praying for Nicholas; he has developed a very sweet spirit and we trust will come to love Jesus and serve Him. Joshua and Leah were able to visit him earlier this past week and experienced with him a trip to the park (picture 1 below.) On that trip he had his first taste of ice cream, which at first he wasn't sure about the coldness, but in the end it was GREAT, and he was looking for more! (picture 2) Feel free to send me pictures of your grandchildren as well. And if you don't have any (yet), Beth and I invite you to enjoy ours!!

God bless you as you pray and prepare for this Sunday, to meet with God and His people. May He have a great work in all our lives.

Pastor Don Workman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a wide variety of programs for the majority of the people... Some of them I wish we had available. God Bless your Church and activities.