Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007 - "Father's Day"

You found it! Welcome to the new "Looking Toward Sunday" format. I have been wanting to try this for some time now, hopefully it will work for you. Part of my desire is that this will be more interactive for you, as you can leave comments, questions, etc. with each "post" we put up. We welcome your comments, see the link at the bottom to leave yours. I think there is also a way for you to subscribe to this blog so that whenever a new post is up, you can be notified by email. I don't understand all that, maybe one more knowledgable can leave a comment for the rest to know how that works. I also hope this will help me be able to write to it anywhere I may be (home, Starbucks, out of town, etc.) That will really help me stay in touch with you.

This Sunday is Father's Day and we will begin the day with a breakfast for all fathers at 8:30 am. If you know any fathers who don't attend here, please feel free to invite them. We will follow this with our classes and ABF's at 9:30 am. Our current ABF studies include: "A Harmony of the Life of Paul" "Watercooler Topics" "The Joyful Life" (Philippians) and "On the Road with Paul." Our Single on Sunday ladies only ABF will take a break for the summer - stay tuned later on for a return with a new format after the summer.

In our 10:30 am Worship service we will sing some great songs of faith, please pray for our worship band and all the techology to blend smoothly. I will continue our series in 2 Corinthians, this time from 5:11 - 21 on the great subject, "Being Ambassadors for Christ." Please read it over from now til then and prepare your heart for what God teaches us to do and be.

Because it is Father's Day there will be NO 6:00 pm service or programs this Sunday only.

Here are a couple of jokes related to fathers and their experiences as they age:

Yesterday I went to the optician's, walked up to the counter and said to the guy on duty, "I think my eyes are going."
He said, "They've gone, mate - this is Burger King."

"When you're over 50 you can still do all the things you did when you were 17 if you don't mind making an idiot of yourself." ( I think my kids think this of me )

Please consider signing up on the yellow poster in the lobby regarding our Summer of Service. We need more to volunteer on July 4th to help with The Chapel in Akron as they host a "Freedom Celebration" which will be a fun way to serve for the whole family. Plus you can enjoy the service, games, refreshments, and fireworks, too.

We also need more help with our Summer Evening "Sports 4 Life" ministry / outreach to our surrounding neighborhoods that will be on Sunday evenings, July 22 - August 19. After a great planning meeting last Sunday afternoon we are excited by it's potential. We will have a follow up meeting on July 1st at 4:00 pm, plan to attend.

A few of you have mentioned that you are not able to get the pictures (usually of Nicholas) that I often include. In working this out with a couple of you, I have found that it seems to be due to the fact that you are using a Mac, and I am not :-( It also may have something to do with some of you using AOL as your email, but that may not be in every case. When they tried a different email address (non - AOL, and changed something in the Mac) then the pictures showed up fine. Most of you have had no problems. I hope that this "blog" format may solve these issues for everyone.

Speaking of Nicholas, he is growing strong. He just went yesterday to get a different car with his parents, one with working air conditioning (no more riding around on hot days sweating in just a diaper) and even has more interior room for them. Here is a picture of him with his Aunt Hannah last month, he doesn't see her as often as they wish:
We rejoice with Hannah and Jon as they celebrated thier 2nd wedding anniverary this past Monday, June 11. And Sarah and Sam celebrate their 4th anniversary today, June 14. All of them are true blessings to Beth and me.
Thank you for reading these weekly notes and interacting with me about them. I hope you will be better prepared to worship God this Sunday and in return receive His blessings. Pray for God's Word and Spirit to have free course in our lives.
Pastor Don Workman


Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor, Your new blog is working

Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Don,

New blog works great. Thanks for keeping us included Bro.. Have a blessed Fathers Day my friend.

Tim Maynard

Anonymous said...

Hello Pastor Don,
Your blog is working great and is very nice. I love hearing how the other Faith Baptist Church is doing. It is always great to know how y'all are doing.
How is Uncle George? Is he behaving himself? HAHA Haven't heard from him in awhille.
Love the pictures of Nicholas. Keep them coming...Patty Stitzel